Page 331 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
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tariHi eserler | avGunlu meDresesi
                                                                                                             hIstorIcal artIfacts | avGunlu madrasah  331

                                                                                          AVGUNLU MADRASAH
                                                                                          It is located 30 m from the southwestern corner of the Gevher Nesibe
                                                                                      Madrasah, which is known as the Double Madrasah in Yalman Quarter.
                                                                                      Also included in the landscaping planning belonging to Mimar Sinan Park,
                                                                                      which was approved in 1987. In the framework of this landscaping, the
                                                                                      residences of the Avgunlu Madrasah, which resulted from the demolition
                                                                                      of the expropriated buildings, were in two parts in the north and south.
                                                                                          The General Directorate of Foundations urgently included the build-
                                                                                      ing in the 1988 repair program and the decision was taken by the Kayseri
                                                                                      Protection Board.
                                                                                          The madrasah is based on architectural characteristics of Seljuks
                                                                                      madrasahs belonging to the first half of the 13  century. It is built in a
                                                                                      group of open courtyard groups, cut and rubble stone in single storey,
                                                                                      connected to three planes plan. No transferred material was used.
                                                                                          This madrasah, which had been in ruins until 1989, has begun to be
                                                                                      repaired. It was demolished to the basement level with the other parts.
                                                                                      As a result of the restoration work in 1990, all parts of the building were
                                                                                      completed and removed. Who built the mosque in the madrasah and
                                                                                      the date of construction is not clear. There is a connection with the Çifte
                                                                                      Madrasah near the madrasah. It is seen that the first structures of the
                                                                                      beginning of this century, which started to open outwards from the
                                                                                      beginning of the century, were built outside the city walls. If it is taken
                                                                                      into consideration that the construction technique of the Madrasah and
                                                                                      the octopus in the upper veil are mentioned as the octopus, it can be
                   Medresenin isminin nereden geldiği belli değildir. Osman Erav-     seen that it has a similarity with the Double Madrasah.
               şar’a göre; “Avgun, Abgın” kelimeleri Kayseri çevresinde “su kaynağı,      It is not clear where the name comes from. According to Osman
               su kulesi” anlamında kullanılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, yapının      Eravşar; The words “Avgun, Abgın” are used around Kayseri for “water
               bulunduğu alanda bugün kurumuş su kaynağı olduğunu, yapıya da          source, water tower”. Moving from this point, some researchers indicate
               bu sebeple “Avgunu” isminin verildiğini bazı araştırmacılar belirtir.   that the area in which the structure is built is now a dried–up water source
               Bu iddiayı doğrulayacak herhangi bir iz yoktur. Albert Gabriel, yapının   and that the structure is also given the “Avgunlu” name for this reason.
               ismiyle “Argın–Argıncık” adı arasında ilişki kurar. Argın ve Argun’un   There is no sign to confirm this assertion. Albert Gabriel associates the
               kelime anlamı bilinmemekle birlikte, XIII. yüzyıl sonlarında Anadolu’da   name of the structure with the name “Argin–Argincik”. Although the
               emirlik yapan Moğol emirlerinden Argun Han ile aynı adı taşımaktadır.   meaning of Argun and Argun is unknown, the same name as the Argun
               Ancak bu kişi ve medrese arasındaki ilişkiyi doğrulayan bir bulgu yoktur.  Khan of Mongol orders, which emirates in Anatolia in the late 13  century.
                                                                                      However, there is no evidence confirming the relationship between this
                                                                                      person and the madrasah.
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