Page 277 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
P. 277

tariHi eserler | incesu merZifOnlu kara mustafa paşa külliyesi
                                                                                      hIstorIcal artIfacts | İncesu merzIfonlu Kara mustafa Pasha KullIye  277

               H.1089/M.1678 tarihli vakfiyeye göre, on beş öğrenci hücresine sahip   where the residents and foundation officials are located) and the warehouse
               olduğu yazılıdır.                                                      did not reach the daily building. The architect of the Kulliye is uncertain.
                   Külliyenin batı sınırında, medresenin kuzeyinde Sıbyan Mektebi yer     The main structure of the Kulliye is the caravanserai. The caravanserai,
               alıp, günümüze orijinal haliyle ulaşamamıştır. İki odalı Sıbyan Mektebi   which completely covers the eastern edge of the building community,
               önünde yer alan revaklı bir bölüm, caminin olduğu geniş avluya açıl-   consists of closed courtyard and closed sections. The portico is entered
               maktadır. Medrese ile Sıbyan Mektebi'nin (geleneksel ilkokul) arasında   through the narrow arched doors that open near the center of the eastern
               1,5 m ölçülerinde dar ve ince bir koridor yer almakta ve koridorun batı   and western facades.
               ucuna açılan kapı, külliyenin sokak ile irtibatını sağlamıştır.            The research of the mosque is placed in a straight line between the
                   Külliyenin batı cephesinin kuzey ucunda yan yana sıralanan üç      courtyard wall of the mosque and the caravanserai, and determines the
               dükkanın üzeri, tüm tavanla örtülü olup, dükkanların ve Sıbyan Mek-    main axis of the mosque. On the back walls of the shops forming the
               tebi'nin üzerinde yer alan ikinci katla birlikte aşağıdaki dükkanlar,   western wing of the 11.5 m wide street shops located on both sides of
               Mustafa Denktaş’a göre 1860 yılındaki büyük onarım esnasında inşa      the street, rubble was used, and all the other parts were cut with stone.
               edilmiş olmalıdır.                                                     31 of the 32 shops mentioned at the Foundation reached today, while
                   Hamam, külliyenin kuzeyine geleneğe uygun olarak ana kom-          the oven was partially destroyed.
               pozisyonun dışında, ayrı bir yapı olarak düşünülmüştür. Tek hamam          According to what the residents and surrounding residents have
               olarak inşa edilen eser, kuzey güney yönünde dikdörtgen bir kütle      described, it is understood that there is a door on the southern edge of
               teşkil etmektedir. Güneyden kuzeye doğru sırasıyla soyunmalık, ılıklık,   the building. The north side of Arastan is open. The door that opened
               tuvaletler, sıcaklık, su deposu ve külhan yer alır.                    to the middle of the eastern ceiling of Arastan and the portico of the
                                                                                      caravanserai were also contacted by the courtyard of the mosque. The
                                                                                      eastern face of Arastan maintains almost its originality.
                                                                                          To the west of the Kulliye, in the center of the large courtyard is a
                                                                                      mosque consisting of a domed bath and a three–parted communal area
                                                                                      in the north. The single–honored minaret rises at the north–western
                                                                                      corner of the bath.
                                                                                          The madrasah is located on the west side of the mosque courtyard.
                                                                                      The western wall of the cells of the madrasah students was completely
                                                                                      renovated with recent repairs. The madrasah had access to a seven day
                                                                                      student cell and a classroom cell to the north. According to the foundation
                                                                                      of H.1089 / M.1678, it is written that it has fifteen student cells.
                                                                                          On the western border of the Kulliye, there is the Children’s School
                                                                                      in the northern part of the madrasah and it can not be reached with its
                                                                                      original form. There is a portico section in front of the two–room Children’s
                                                                                      School, a large courtyard with a glass window. There is a narrow corridor
                                                                                      1.5 m wide between the madrasah and the Sıbyan Mektebi (traditional
                                                                                      elementary school), and the door opening to the western end of the
                                                                                      corridor provides the connection of the Kulliye to the street.
                                                                                          The following shops, along with all the ceilings and the second floors
                                                                                      of the shops and the Children’s School, had been built during the major
                                                                                      repairs of 1860, according to Mustafa Denktaş, over the three shops lined
                                                                                      up side by side on the north end of the Kulliye west pavement.
                                                                                          The bath is considered to be a separate structure, except for the main
                                                                                      composition, according to tradition, to the north of the mausoleum. Built
                                                                                      as a single bath, the work forms a rectangular mass in the north–south
                                                                                      direction. From south to north respectively descent, warmth, toilets,
                                                                                      temperature, water reservoir and cinder.
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