Page 267 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
P. 267

tariHi eserler | karatay kervansarayı
                                                                                                           hIstorIcal artIfacts | Karatay caravanseraI  267

                                                                                         KARATAY CARAVANSERAI
                                                                                         Celâleddin Karatay was included in the ruling class during the Seljuk
                                                                                     period of Turkey and established foundations in various fields with the
                                                                                     approval of the Sultan in order to carry out many public services in the
                                                                                     society. Karatay Caravanserai is one of his foundation works and is the
                                                                                     earliest date (1240–1241)
                                                                                         It lies within the boundaries of the village of “Karadayı” (Karatay),
                                                                                     which is called by the name of the foundation founder in Bunyan. The
                                                                                     Karatay Caravanserai is divided into two parts, front and rear. On the inner
                                                                                     and outer doors are two cattle fattening. According to this; The rear part
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