Page 447 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
P. 447

Geleneksel kayseri evi, Bağ kültürü ve kış HaZırlıkları | kış HaZırlıkları
                                                                   tradItIonal KayserI house, vIneyard culture and WInter PreParatIons | WInter PreParatIons  447

                                          ♦ | F.: Şaban Ok

                                          ♦ | F.: İlayda Sena Özçelik                              ♦ | F.: Şaban Ok

               city can be called conservative, social and cultural necessities are pushed  were printed in pots. The oils to be used in winter were also prepared
               to the background and the family members enjoy the nature in a more  (butter) and ready for winter. In many houses couscous was poured, bulgur
               free environment.                                                    was boiled, starch was made.
                                                                                        These things are done in “help each other” way while soup, pasta,
                   WINTER PREPARATIONS                                              noodles are cut. Pepper, pumpkin, bean, pea, mint dried; if it grows in the
                   An old saying in Kayseri states that vineyards are in a way “the money   vineyard it will be used from there, if it does not grow up, pickles come out
               source of the poor people”. Many families make their winter preparations   from the vineyards from Argıncık. In the winter months it was difficult to
               there and they get their burning materials from the vineyard. Vegetables–  find meat, so the cattle and bovine animals were cut, roasted and sausage
               fruit obtained from the vineyards were dried during the summer, pulp, jam,   and pastramy were made.
               marmalade are made and canned. After the last grape harvest, molasses    When the grape molasses is boiled, grape pestle, meatballs are made,
               was boiled and winter preparations ended.                            sweet sausages are made from almond and walnut which were previously
                   Winter preparations change from house to house; rose water, cornstarch   spelled with ropes and hanged for drying.
               water, vinegar, leaves, pepper–tomato paste, pickles, the cheeses bought
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