Page 51 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
P. 51

kayseri tariHi | tariHi maZaka şeHri
                                                                                                            hIstory of KayserI | hIstorIcal mazaKa cIty  51

               “Kappadokia Kralı V. Ariarathes (M.Ö.163–160), M.Ö.163’te              others to their friends. Mazaka is located in the south of Pontos, about
               Kral IV. Ariarathes’in ölümüyle kral oldu. Kral V. Ariarat-            eight hundred stations. The distance to Euphrates is a little less than twice
               hes, Yunan kültürü ile yetişmiş, iyi eğitimli bir kişidir. Aynı        that. From here we can see from the gate of Cilicia and from the camp of
                                                                                      Kyros (the great Persian King who lived in the sixth century B.C.), Tyana
               zamanda filozof Kameades’in öğrencisi olan Ariarathes ve               (present Bor–Kemerhisar, Tuvana–Tuvanuva during the Hittites, Dana
               Hellenistik kurumların kendi ülkesinde kök salması için çalış-         during the Persians and Alexander the Great, Tyana during the Romans)
               mıştır. Onun zamanında Khrondas Yasaları’nın Mazaka’da                 and Kybistra (Ereğli) is three hundred stations away. They use Kharon-
               uygulanması için bir anayasa heyeti oluşturmuştur. Bu yasa-            das’s laws (Kharondas, the Greek thinker, the laws he wrote included his

               lar, Kappadokialı çocukların eğitimi, öksüzlerin bakımı ve             valuable thoughts).
                                                                                          V. Arirathes used both Eusebes (respectful) and PhiloPatoros (loving
               ailenin korunmasıyla ilgilidir. Ancak tüm çabalarına rağmen            his father) nicknames when he inherited the throne. But when Tigranes,
               Kappadokia “Hellenize” olamamış, yerel âdetler ve köy ekono-           King of Armenia took Cappadocia, he put the people in a very bad situ-
               misi var olmaya devam etmiştir. Yunan dili yerel dil ve lehçeler       ation. Because it forced each to migrate to Mesopotamia and founded
               karşısında zayıf kalmıştır.                                            Tigranokerta (to the east of Silvan Province of Diyarbakır, Founded by
                                                                                      King Tigranes, many people were forced to migrate there in order to
                                                                                      increase the population of the city. The city became a center of trade and
               “King of Cappadocia V. Ariarathes (163–160 B.C.), became               culture attracting traders who do business all over the world); but after
               kind with the dead of King IV of 163 B.C.. King V. Ariarathes          the capture of Tigranorkerta, the ones who were able to return came

               is a well–educated person, trained with Greek culture. At the          back... “The last king of Cappadocia, Pontoslei Archelaus (36 B.C.–17 A.D.),
               same time, Ariadathes, a student of the philosopher Kame-              changed the name of Eusebeia and named it “Kaisareis”, dedicating it to
               ades, worked for Hellenistic institutions to be rooted in his own      the title of the Roman Emperor Augustus, whom he was deeply attached
                                                                                      to. (BC12–9) There is also the assertion that the Kaisareia name is given
               country. In his time he created a constitutional delegation for        when Caesar is on the way to the Battle of Farnekes and to be attributed
               the implementation of Khrondas Laws in Mazaka. These laws              to Cladius, who honored him or repaired the city. This name change is
               are concerned with the education of Cappadocian children,              also observed in the bronze coins printed in Kayser.
               the care of orphans and the protection of the family. Despite              The last coin bearing the name of Archelaos belongs to the 13 –12
               all efforts, however, Cappadocia could not be “Hellenized”             centuries B.C.. The oldest known coin, printed with the name Kaisareria,
                                                                                      belongs to the 10 –9  centuries B.C.. After this date, the city became
               and local customs and village economy continued to exist. The          famous with this name and developed.
               Greek language has remained weak against local languages                  ○ In the period of Marcus Aurelius (AC 161–180), the city is called
               and dialects.                                                             “Metropol Kaisarea” on the coins.
                                                                                         ○ The name “Neocoros” is also quoted in Septimus Severus and Severus
                                                                                         Alexander and Gordion coins.
               birisidir. Kral Tigranes tarafından kurulup, şehrin nüfusunu artırmak     ○ In the period of Julianus Apustata (AC 361–363), this name was abol-
               için çok sayıda insan göçe tabi tutulmuştur. Bu durum şehre dünyanın      ished for the purpose of being punishment to the city, again Mazaka
               her yeriyle iş yapan tüccarları çekip, şehir bir ticaret ve kültür şehrine   was started to be used. However, since there are other cities in Ana-
               dönüşmüştür) kentini kurdu; fakat Tigranorkerta’nın zaptından sonra,      tolia with the name Mazaka, titles such as “Kaisareia on the side of
               gelebilenler geri geldi…”                                                 Erciyes, Kaisareia, the capital of Cappadocia, Kaisareia, the leading city
                   Kapadokya’nın son kralı Archelaus (M.Ö.36–M.S.17), Eusebeia’nın       of Anatolia” were given to distinguish Kayseri.
               adını değiştirerek, gönülden bağlı olduğu Roma İmparatoru Augustus’un     ○ The city was also referred as “The great city of Kayseri of Cappadocia,
               unvanına izafen “Kaisareia” adını koymuştur. (M.Ö.12–9) Ayrıca Kaisa-     Galatia, Pontus and Armenia” A Roman writer mentions the city as
               reia isminin, Sezar’ın, Farnekes Savaşı’na giderken buraya uğraması ve    “Mater Urbium – the mother of cities”.
               onun şerefine veya şehri tamir ettiren Claudius’un unvanına izafeten       Muslim Arabs pronunciation of “Kaisareia” in the form of “Kayseriye,
               verildiği iddiaları vardır. Bu isim değişikliği, Kayseri’de basılmış olan   Kayseri”. It is also referred to as “Kayseriyye” in Ottoman period sources.
               bronz paralarda da gözlenir.                                           Since then, the city has been known as “Kayseriyye”, “Kayseri, Kayserî”.
                   Archelaus adını taşıyan en son sikke, M.Ö.13–12 senelerine aittir.
               Kaisareia adı ile basılmış, bilinen en eski sikke M.Ö.10–9 senelerine
               aittir. Şehir bu tarihten sonra bu adla ün bulmuş ve gelişmiştir.
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