Page 180 - kayseri-medeniyetlerin-besigi
P. 180

                      KAYSERI | CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION

                                                                                          After the Hittites, Phrygians, Cimmerians and Persians dominated
                                                                                      the region. Darius divides the region into two by giving the name of
                                                                                      “Kapadokya” to the central Anatolia area. One was Cappadocia, the other
                                                                                      was called Pont–Cappadocia, and Develi and its environs remained in the
                                                                                      Great Cappadocia Kingdom and were referred to as “Gabadonya”. After
                                                                                      the Persians, Cappadocia, the Roman province, continues to exist as one
                                                                                      of the seven parts of Byzantine after the division of the Roman Empire
                                                                                      into two.
                                                                                          In the Roman period Develi is an important settlement, and with the
                                                                                      spread of Christianity, the importance also increases. The Byzantines make
                                                                                      the Gereme in the southern skirts of Erciyes a religious center to spread
                                                                                      Christianity. During the III. Basileos period (1021), the Armenians who were
                                                                                      expelled from the Vaspuragan region of Van are placed in the vicinity of
                                                                                      Develi (Gabadonia). When Armenians use Develi and its surroundings as
                                                                                      the center of the revolt, it loses its retention ability. The fact that existing
                                                                                      structures in Develi add date back to VI. Century is for this reason.
                                                                                          The Islamic army has organized many expeditions to Anatolia and all
                                                                                      the ways have caused the Kayseri city to be exposed to the influx and
                                                                                      invasion throughout history. After Byzantine, Kayseri was bound to Abbasid
                                                                                      for 160 years, passed to Byzantium again in 968, and after 1071 Malazgirt
                                                                                      Victory, it became the homeland of Anatolian Turcomans, spreading to
                                                                                      the eastern and middle parts of this new country. Gereme has lost its
                                                                                      importance in the Byzantine period.
                                                                                          The geologist Hamilton comes to Kayseri on July 28, 1837, and ascends
                                                                                      to Mount Erciyes. As he descends from the mountain, he sees the remains
                                                                                      of the ruins of the remainder of the hill on the hill next to the present
                                                                                      Gereme. It is found here in various Byzantine churches, columns and ruins
                                                                                      of graves. Especially; large, simple, unadorned and dismal without exam-
                                                                                      ining the Byzantine church worn out with brown trachyte stone without
                                                                                      the use of cement. He says that the church is quite perfect as well as the

               den sürülen Ermeniler, Develi (Gabadonia) ve çevresine yerleştirilirler.
               Ermeniler, Develi ve çevresini iskan merkezi olarak kullanınca, Gereme
               iskan özelliğini kaybeder. Gereme’deki mevcut yapıların hepsinin VI.
               yüzyıla tarihlendirilmesi, buna delildir.
                   İslam ordularının Anadolu’ya bir çok sefer düzenlemesi ve tüm
               yolların uğrak noktasında Kayseri’nin olması, tarih boyunca Kayseri
               şehrinin akın ve istilalara maruz kalmasına sebep olmuştur. Kayseri,
               Bizans’tan sonra 160 yıl kadar Abbasiler’e bağlı olmuş, 968 tarihinde
               tekrar Bizans’ın eline geçmiş, 1071 Malazgirt Zaferi’nden sonra ise,
               Anadolu Türkmenlerin yurdu haline gelirken, bu yeni ülkenin doğu
               ve orta kısımlarına yayılmaya başlamışlardır. Gereme, Bizans Döne-
               mi'ndeki önemini artık kaybetmiştir.
                   Jeolog Hamilton, 28 Temmuz 1837’de Kayseri’ye gelir ve Erciyes
               Dağı’na çıkarak incelemelerde bulunur. Dağdan inerken şimdiki
               Gereme’nin yanında bulunan tepenin üstünde, Gereme harabelerinin
               kalıntılarını görür. Burada çeşitli Bizans Dönemi kiliseleri, sütunları
               ve mezarlardan oluşan harabelerde incelemelerde bulunur. Özellikle;
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